
周一到周五,9点到17:00点 (中国时间).

电话: +86 10 8485 6364

邮件: schedule@vericant.com

微信: Vericant_SCP (或下面扫一扫)






  1. 请将此非合作学校的名字发邮件至schedule@vericant.com。技术人员会添加到系统后并且邮件通知您。






1.如果申请本科, 请将学校的名字发邮件至schedule@vericant.com。如果申请研究生,请将学校的名字和项目名称以及招生老师的邮箱发至schedule@vericant.com。技术人员会添加到系统后并且邮件通知您。







Sending to Non-Partner High Schools

If you would like to send your Vericant Interview to one or more non-partner high schools, please follow the steps below. To see a list of high schools that partner with Vericant, please click here.


If you can’t find the non-partner school that you wish to add in the system:

  1. Please email the non-partner school’s name to schedule@vericant.com. Our team will add the school into the system and notify you via email.
  2. After you receive this email, you must add the school into the non-partner school list in your portal and send it.
  3. Email your interview link to the non-partner school’s admissions team. You must also confirm by email with the school that they will accept the Vericant interview. If they do, forward the email to us and we will help the school review your interview promptly.


If the non-partner school that you wish to add is in the “non-partner schools” list, you can add the school directly to your non-partner school list and send it. Then follow step #3 above.


How to find your interview link

Login to your Vericant account, click Manage Interviews, click Send to Schools, and click Get Interview Link (Optional) in the bottom left corner. 


If you are applying for university or graduate school and the school you wish to send to isn’t in this list, please follow the the steps below:

  1. If you’re applying for university, email the name of the school to schedule@vericant.com. If you’re applying for graduate school, please email the name of your school, the program, and your admissions teacher to schedule@vericant.com. Our team will add the school into the system and notify you via email.
  2. After you receive this email, you must add the school into the non-partner school list in your portal and send it.
  3. Email your interview link to the non-partner school’s admissions team. You must also confirm by email with the school that they will accept the Vericant interview. If they do, forward the email to us and we will help the school review your interview promptly.


How to find your interview link

Login to your Vericant account, click Manage Interviews, click Send to Schools, and click Get Interview Link (Optional) in the bottom left corner.


周一到周五,9点到17:00点 (中国时间).

电话: +86 10 8485 6364

邮件: schedule@vericant.com

微信: Vericant_SCP (或下面扫一扫)
