Northeastern University(美国东北大学)

Admissions 2020

A conversation with the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Greg Dellorco

August 22nd, 2020


与美国东北大学本科招生处副主任,Greg Dellorco的线上讲座



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What can students do to show community engagement and extracurriculars when a lot of activities have been canceled?

We've had a lot of applicants show really creative ways that they've been engaged, ways that they've been able to make a difference in their local community... through virtual community settings, through volunteering to do testing at their local test site, or it could be as simple as just doing more around the house. Because we know that this isn't just a stress on students, it's a stress on all families.  

Greg Dellorco

Assistant Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Northeastern University

We really value our partnership with Vericant... [Vericant Interviews] provide a more detailed and well-rounded view of all of our applicants. At Northeastern we receive just over 64,000 applications per admission cycle. We just don't have the bandwidth and the ability to interview every single student and it would be unfair to only interview a select number. So really, for us at Northeastern, the interview for international students is very much part of the application evaluation process.


Greg Dellorco

Assistant Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Northeastern University


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Greg Dellorco

Greg Dellorco

Assistant Director in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions


Early Decision I: November 1

Early Action: November 1

Early Decision II: January 1

Regular Decision: January 1


Admissions website:

Contact: Greg Dellorco,

Are you ready to interview?