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Frequently-Asked Questions: Vericant Pre-Interview (VPI)

What is the Vericant Pre-Interview (VPI)? What is the purpose?

The Vericant Pre-Interview is a mock interview designed to help students applying to high school abroad understand what the Vericant Interview experience will be like. 

Some of Vericant’s partner schools only accept the first interview in their application, while others only accept the most recent one. Experiencing the interview environment will help a student feel more confident and ready for their official Vericant Interview.

Note: VPI results cannot be sent to schools.

If I take VPI, will my official interview’s SEE score be higher than my VPI score?

Whether the VPI will improve one’s SEE score depends. Each person will have a different performance. The SEE score of each interview varies depending on the applicant’s overall performance during the interview.

Who should do a VPI?

VPI is only for students who are applying to high school.

When can I register for a VPI? Where can I do a VPI?

VPI registration is available year-round. You can do VPI in Beijing, Shanghai, or Shenzhen. Other interview locations may be available upon request. Please contact our office at 010-84856364 or email to for more information.

How many times can a student do VPI? Is there a wait time between each interview?

There is no limit to how many VPIs a student can take. There is also no required wait time between 2 VPIs.

Is there a wait time between VPI and VI (official interview)?

There is a 14 day minimum wait time between the VPI and official Vericant Interview.

What is the price for a VPI (Vericant Pre-Interview)? What other products and services can you buy?

See Interview Pricing for more details.

What are the differences between VPI and VI?

  1. VPI results cannot be sent to any schools. 
  2. The PSEE Score Indicator provided is a range (e.g., 4.1 – 4.6) to help students predict the range their SEE score would have fallen into if they had done the Vericant Interview for that day.

What is the VPI assessment standard?

In each season, VPI will use the same assessment standards that we have for VI.

What is a SEED (Spoken English Evaluation Diagnostic) Report? Can we buy this report individually?


The SEED (Spoken English Evaluation & Diagnostic) Report is a comprehensive report about your performance during a Vericant Pre-Interview. It includes a breakdown of how you did in each of the five categories of our rubric and professional feedback on the strengths and weaknesses you displayed during the interview. To learn more about the product, click

The SEED Report is only for the VPI. Standard interviews do not have the SEED Report.

To buy the report individually, the price is 1180 CNY (160 USD) and will be delivered on the fifth work day after the interview results (PSEE Report) is delivered. If the SEED Report is purchased after the interview results (PSEE Report) are delivered, then the SEED Report will be delivered on the fifth work day after the payment is completed.

Don't see your answer?

Contact us Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (China Standard Time).

Phone: +86 10 8485 6364


Wechat: Vericant_SCP (or scan below)

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